Aaron S.

Been searching for a dinning room table for a couple weeks now, been going to the big brand stores like an idiot but was referred to casual dinning by a friend finally had a chance to go. Rite off the bat I loved how I wasn’t jumped by salesmen. Jeff was running that store and kindly greeted me and told to gaze through the store. I found a few sets I loved and told him I needed to be able to take it home as soon as I bought it because I was flying out next morning and didn’t want to leave the family with out a table Jeff told me I’ll sell you the floor model (which was flawless ) to help me out in my situation. Not only did he give me cardboard for my truck and plastic to wrap it he helped me load it and made sure it was a great experience. I didn’t buy anything fancy or expensive but it didn’t matter to him he said it was a smart buy not top of the line material but was smart w the budget I had. It’s the best feeling when you go home feeling you didn’t get ripped off for once and everything went so smooth. When we are ready to buy our real wood dinning table i will only come to one place and it’s casual dinning and bar stools (Jeff) thanks again my friend. To the owners of the business you guys have the right guy running the show !